We've always had a passion for growing vegetables and fruits. In the late 1980's we purchased this 2-acre parcel of land on the outskirts of McMinnville. Years and years ago it was planted to English Walnuts, and then let to go to a fallow field. When we purchased it we decided to to develop the back acre to a densely planted selection of Northern High-bush Blueberries. Year after year we have dedicated ourselves to growing and maintaining these berries, each winter tediously pruning them and encouraging their natural ability to grow upright. Now, nearly 30 years later, these giants are thriving and in the prime of their production. Some bushes reach for the sky and are taller than an average adult! It really is a delight to be out picking in the coolness of a summer morning. We invite you to come see for yourself.
Pack a lunch, come on out, bring your family, grab a bucket and enjoy the glory of nature's bounty.