1. We ask that if you are feeling sick at all, and/or have had symptoms of a sickness or COVID-19, or have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, please stay home.

2. We will be disinfecting “high touch” surfaces (counters, scale, restroom, sinks, buckets and picnic tables) on a regular basis.

3. Please wash hands or use hand sanitizer before entering and upon leaving the field. We will provide hand sanitizer as well as a hand washing area.

4. If bringing your own containers to the farm, please wash and disinfect them before coming to the farm.

The health and well-being of our community is incredibly important to us. We are doing our best to ensure a safe and clean 2023 season. Please join us in following these guidelines in order to provide a sanitary picking environment. We look forward to welcoming you all to the farm!

Berry season is just around the corner!

It’s hard to believe that the coming berry season is just weeks away. We are gearing up for a great harvest by prepping the buckets, dusting off the picnic tables, and mowing down the grass between rows. Blue and purple berries are a common sight popping out of the green foliage, and though they’re tart as can be at the moment, it wont’ be long till the bushes are laden with clumps of blues.

We plan to put our signs, flags, and banners out on the highway once the field is open, so keep an eye out for them. Additionally, feel free to check back in here on our website for an update about opening day. As always, give us a call at (971) 241-6541 to put an order in, or stop by the farm and say hello.

Looking forward to seeing you and your family soon!